Its a Boy! So I am so excited baby #2 will be another active Stringham boy! I am due in June I cannot even imagine chasing after 2 kids! I can't wait to meet him, but also am ok if he is not coming for a little while! LOL!
Dave was so cute and took Brandon to the train show at the South Town Expo. I think Brandon thought he was in heaven since it is his #1 obsession! He is a good daddy!
I am excited to have a house full of boys so I can still be the Princess!
January was an eventful month I can not believe that it is gone as fast as it is! Here are some of my favorite highlights * I changed my work schedule so I feel as if I have achieved balance in my life and the world is so right again! I love being able to be @ home more with Brandon and spend more working on being a wife and mom! I love my 2 boys! *Brandon became a Sunbeam! To celebrate we made a sunbeam blanket... he chose out the brightest yellow fleece! Every where we go he is singing Jesus wants me for a sunbeam! * Brandon started Pre-school. He loves his teachers and is making new friends. I love that he is excited to go. He always says daddy's going to work mommy is going to work and Brandon is going to school! *Brandon learned not to stick things in his nose this month.... Long story short Brandon put a red hot up his nose It took about 10 min for me and Dave to get him to blow it out. Thank goodness I had a bottle of Little Noses saline spray... it took a whole bottle of squirting up his nose to dissolve it enough to come out. ( a necessary addition to my first aid kit) I think he has learned his lesson! * Brandon saw a picture of me in my wedding dress. Now not only does he tell me everyday that I am his best friend I am also a PRINCESS! I told him he better not ever forget it. LOL
So December was absolutely crazy this year! We started finishing our basement the last week of November and had it done on Dec 23. My Grandpa Randall passed away the week before Christmas . Me and Brandon went to Arizona for the funeral. It was nice to see all of my family that lives down there. It was so cute when they closed my Grandpas casket at the funeral Brandon said "Go to sleep" and then at the burial he was like "night night Grandpa". After the funeral my Grandma was sitting in her room by herself and Brandon went up to her and held her hands and said" its ok Grandma, Grandpa is sleeping now." After that he never said anything about the funeral. I am grateful for my Grandpa and the life he lived he was a good man.
When I got home on the 22nd and my Family was coming the 24th to stay at our house so it was nice to be able to have the house pulled together for Christmas, and have a place for everyone to sleep!
I love this time of year, but I am definitely glad to start the New Year!